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Chill Cryotherapy is excited to introduce a brand new treatment!!
We are now offering Wiqo PRX-T33® Bio Revitalization—famously known as the Unicorn Facial!

What is Wiqo PRX-T33 Bio Revitalization?

PRX-T33 stimulates collagen in the skin—without harsh lasers, surgery or chemical peels that are painful and require many days of downtime. PRX-T33 offers all the AMAZING cosmetic benefits of lasers, surgery and chemical peels—without any of the discomfort or long recovery periods!

How does PRX-T33 DO THIS?

PRX-t33 contains 33% TCA, (tricholoroacetic acid), hydrogen peroxide and kojic acid. This special combination of ingredients does NOT abrade the surface of the skin. PRX-t33 soaks through the top most layer of your skin (called the epidermis) and works on the deeper layer, the dermis, where your collagen is! The benefits of PRX-t33 are all due to stimulating collagen fibroblasts in the deeper levels of your skin. This is why there is almost NO downtime and it does not hurt!

When PRX-T33 penetrates into the dermis it stimulates collagen production which improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin. PRX-t33 also promotes the proliferation of epidermal cells above the dermis leading to turnover in the visible layers of your skin \! Many PRX-t33 clients experience…..
**Reduced Pore size
**Reduced Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
**Reduced acne or other scarring size and depth
**Reduced stretch marks
**Smooth,tightened & firmer skin on face, neck and décolleté
**Diminished age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma (face, arms, neck, chest, hands)
**Reduction in crepey skin on the face, neck & body…arm skin, stretched stomach, etc.

**lax, sagging skin on the face, neck & body
**sun damaged skin on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and more
**stretch marks
** prevention of dermal aging

**Each treatments builds upon the last.
**On average 4–6 treatments are recommended for best results which can be permanent

We recommend once weekly treatments for 4 to 6 weeks depending on your skin condition and goals.

**It can be used by everyone of all skin types, including dark skin
**It is non-invasive
**No extensive peeling
**It provides non-ablative (not harming the top layer of skin) chemical stimulation of the dermis without exfoliating the epidermis
**You may return to daily activities/work/working out without downtime
**It is pain-free
**It works very well with other aesthetics treatments to enhance results and pro-long results. We highly recommend combining PRX-t33 with microneedling for truly incredible results!
**It is not photo-sensitizing, so it can be used all year, including summer, before special events or a trip!

** immediate tightening is seen after treatment.
** long term tightening and lifting as the collagen cells are stimulated, resulting in firmer, healthier looking skin over the next 4 to 6 weeks!

**Usually spectacular effects are visible after the first treatment!
**Your skin will continue to improve for up to 4 weeks after your last treatment.

**A single treatment may provide results for three to four weeks.
**After a series of 4 – 6 treatments you can expect your smoother, firmer skin to last for up to a year!

**It is advised to avoid any exfoliating products (such as glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids) and retinol (Vitamin A) products on your skin for 7 – 14 days prior to treatment and until healing is complete.
**Avoid sunburns or self-tanners for 7 days prior to treatment.

The treatment is around 30 minutes for the face and up to 60 minutes for larger areas.

**Since there are no needles or harsh chemicals involved, most clients experience no pain and no downtime.
**You may experience a tingling sensation, some might feel slight burning but most patients find the procedure very relaxing.

**most clients can resume regular activities
** you can apply make up within 2 hours after treatment
** you may experience redness although this will subside within 24 – 48 hours
** your skin may feel “tight” and a little dry—hydrate and moisturize!
**Mild peeling/shedding may be experienced after the second day of treatment. These are positive effects of the treatment and will resolve within 2 to 3 days
**Dark patches appearing within a few days which usually settles down within a few days.

**Use a high SPF sun-protection after treatment
**Avoid extremes of hot or cold which may induce sweating for 24 hours (no sauna or cryotherapy!)
**No AHA creams for 14 days
**avoid alcohol for 24 hours
**it is recommended to use products with an intense moisturizing effect
**keep your face clean, don’t touch it!

**pregnant and lactating women
** allergy or hypersensitivity to PRX-t33 product ingredients
**bacterial, fungal, and viral skin infections
**skin inflammation such as rosacea, eczema or psoriasis
**anyone with active herpes or viral lesions
**skin allergies and high susceptibility to skin allergy
**damaged, broken and irritated skin
**connective tissue diseases like lupus
**tendency to develop hypertrophic scars or keloids
**decompensated diabetes
**use of corticosteroids within past 6-8 weeks or long term steroid therapy
**Surgery on the treatment area within prior 2 months
**skin cancers in the treatment area
**anyone undergoing radiation or chemotherapy
**mental disorders or lack of cooperation

**26% texture improvement
**22% improvement in pore size
**50% reduction in red spots
**54% reduction in brown spots
**3.42 reduction in UV spots
**29 percent reduction in deep wrinkles (after 2nd treatment)
**62% reduction in inflammation & skin damage
**62% reduction in stretch mark depth
**7% reduction in stretch mark width
**78% reduction in overall stretch marks

Before and After

4 Treatments

4 treatments

2 treatments

6 Treatments

6 treatments

2 treatments

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